- blunt speech
- манера говорить без обиняков
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
Большой англо-русский учебный словарь сочетаемости. Кауль М.Р., Хидекель С.С. 2010.
blunt´ness — blunt «bluhnt», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. without a sharp edge or point: »He sharpened the blunt knife. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under dull. (Cf. ↑dull) 2. Figurative. saying what one thinks very frankly, without trying to be tactful; outspoken; … Useful english dictionary
blunt´ly — blunt «bluhnt», adjective, verb. –adj. 1. without a sharp edge or point: »He sharpened the blunt knife. SYNONYM(S): See syn. under dull. (Cf. ↑dull) 2. Figurative. saying what one thinks very frankly, without trying to be tactful; outspoken; … Useful english dictionary
speech — n. 1 the faculty or act of speaking. 2 a formal public address. 3 a manner of speaking (a man of blunt speech). 4 a remark (after this speech he was silent). 5 the language of a nation, region, group, etc. 6 Mus. the act of sounding in an organ… … Useful english dictionary
blunt — [blunt] adj. [ME < ?] 1. slow to perceive, feel, or understand; dull 2. having a dull edge or point; not sharp 3. plain spoken and abrupt vt. 1. to make (an edge or point) dull 2. to make dull or insensitive … English World dictionary
Blunt — (bl[u^]nt), a. [Cf. Prov. G. bludde a dull or blunt knife, Dan. blunde to sleep, Sw. & Icel. blunda; or perh. akin to E. blind.] 1. Having a thick edge or point, as an instrument; dull; not sharp. [1913 Webster] The murderous knife was dull and… … The Collaborative International Dictionary of English
blunt — bluntly, adv. bluntness, n. /blunt/, adj., blunter, bluntest, v., n. adj. 1. having an obtuse, thick, or dull edge or point; rounded; not sharp: a blunt pencil. 2. abrupt in address or manner: a blunt, ill timed question. 3. slow in perception or … Universalium
blunt — {{11}}blunt (adj.) c.1200, dull, obtuse, perhaps from or related to O.N. blundra (see BLUNDER (Cf. blunder)). Of tools or weapons, late 14c. Meaning abrupt of speech or manner is from 1580s. {{12}}blunt (n.) street slang for marijuana and tobacco … Etymology dictionary
blunt — [[t]blʌnt[/t]] adj. blunt•er, blunt•est, v. 1) having an obtuse, thick, or dull edge or point: a blunt pencil[/ex] 2) abrupt and direct in address or manner; frank 3) slow in perception or understanding; obtuse 4) to make blunt; dull 5) to weaken … From formal English to slang
blunt — I (New American Roget s College Thesaurus) v. t. dull, deaden, numb; moderate. adj. dull; direct; brusque; undiplomatic, forthright. See bluntness, discourtesy, insensibility, moderation. II (Roget s IV) modif. 1. [Dull] Syn. dull, unsharpened,… … English dictionary for students
blunt — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English Date: 13th century 1. a. slow or deficient in feeling ; insensitive b. obtuse in understanding or discernment ; dull 2. having an edge or point that is not sharp < a blunt instrument > … New Collegiate Dictionary
blunt — Kūmūmū. Also: mūmū, amumū, akumu, ōkumu, oi ole, manumanu, mū ou ou, mene, kūmene, meu, nukunuku, pahupahu, pekekue, pihi, peue. ♦ Blunt in speech, ho opuka kū, ōlelo ho oponopono ole, ōkalakala, paopao … English-Hawaiian dictionary